Cigar Connoisseur, the Specialist Tobacconists based in the UK, is delighted to welcome you to this website.
We are a predigious company and have won the UK Specialist in Havana Award, the Pipe Makers Livery Company Trophy and were Nominated for the World Retailer in Havanas Award. If there is anything you cannot find that you think we ought to stock please contact us.
You will see that we stock a wide range of products - not just cigars - but many other items both smoking and non-smoking related. Please look at our wide range of Mens Gifts which are popular for Birthdays, Anniversaries, Leaving or Retiring Presents, Fathers Day and Christmas Day.
Order online now via our secure server or call us on (01986) 895551 between 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday. (NB For out of hours, please leave a message on our answerphone and we will contact you as soon as possible or email